Monday, August 12, 2013

Our week with Naserian

Many of you remember Naserian who is the young girl that stole my heart in my first term in Tanzania.  She is twelve, an orphan, and has become more than just a girl that I sponsor.  For the first time Naserian came home with us from our trip in the bush and stayed with us last week.  After a trip observing at her school I discovered that in the transition from a remote school and all the different languages Naserian does not know how to read.  With Carrie's interest in all the elements that compound education along with her ESL background knew that it would be a perfect week!  Naserian is on school break so we decided to take this opportunity to work with her and give Carrie a one on one relationship for her research.  Naserian is very shy and has only been as far as Longido which is still pretty remote.  I wasn't sure exactly how the week would pan out but it was wonderful!  I was amazed at the entirely different side of her that bubbled out!  It was like watching the flowers after the rain.  She talked more this week than I have heard in the three years I have known her.  My poor brain is exhausted with the Swahili I had to out put but it brought great joy to my heart to be able to communicate in a more intimate way.  She worked very hard and learned a great deal with Carrie and Anna.  Catherine and I worked to finish the Bible Curric. translated into Swahili.  She smiled and laughed everyday.  Naserian loved Milo and Milo loved her!  She was able to Skype and meet people who pray for her.  She embraced every new experience not being overwhelmed.  I am thankful that Carrie was able to spend so much time with her.  It also gave Carrie an eye opener about all the many things that compound learning and the poor structure in place.  

Monday morning was a touching experience with our staff/CMF family here on the Center.  I introduced Naserian to the workers in Staff devotions.  I explained who she was and why she was spending the week with us.  I told Naserian that this is our CMF family and its another life being touched from the bush for our staff to interact with.  One of our workers who is a compassionate man and loving father was moved to tears.  Naserian also had large tears rolling down her checks but this time there were not of sadness.  She was grateful to be a part of our family!!  

 I wasn't sure how the goodbye would go.  However, to my delight she hugged tight with a broad smile along with words of gratitude and happily made her way to the bus.  Anna went with her as far as Longido and Joseph intercepted her.  Anna was also very kind to her and loves her a great deal.  I thought this would be an easier transition and I have made so many trips with more on the horizon that it seemed best for all.  She was excited to wear her new dress that Anna's husband made for her while she was here.  I think she left with a mind filled with more knowledge, a heart filled with love, clothes on her back, a full belly, and with many faces of many colors that she knows as family.   She will visit her grandmother for the rest of her break and return to school on the 26th of August.
Prayer Points~

  • May this beautiful girl be protected by the love of Jesus and know that she is indeed loved.  I believe God is raising her up to be a leader for her people and the generation who will follow her.  
  • I am excited that Geoff and Lisa Taylor (Mark and Evelyn's son and daughter in law) will visit later this week!  They have successfully climbed Kili and now visiting the parks.  So there are more trips to the bush ahead!  We all will get to visit one the bush schools and some other sights before their flight back to the States on Sat.  Milo is excited to see Auntie Lisa!!     

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