Thursday, September 19, 2013

The newest member of the CMF Family!

If I had a dollar for every time I said, "where was the class for this?!!"  I would be a rich woman!  I strive for my treasures to be of those stored in heaven but it would be nice to have a private tutor to prep for certain days that come.  Last Thursday would be one of those days that goes in the record books.  One of the Kids Training Teachers was home ill the other was not feeling well either.  It was Peter's (John's son) first day of school with the kids.  Then, they came to tell me that Safina was in labor.  I rearranged willing staff to have the classroom in order.  Then, made my way to see which stage of labor Safina was in.  This is her first baby so it is more difficult to for her to guide me in her labor for this is new territory for her.  Usually mom's come to the training and its their 4th, 6th, or 8th child and it practically slides right out during normal tasks of the day!  These Tanzanian women are among the toughest women I have ever met.  That is the other difficulty of measuring labor cause these are some hearty women who all but flinch while in pain.  She got into my car and we headed to the government clinic up the road to see how far along the labor had progressed.

The nurse basically informs me that she is in the early stages of labor and come back.  The clinic basically doesn't take women until the labor has progressed into their final stages or till their water breaks.  Now like I said in the past once we had gotten to this point we had a baby.  Since this was her first baby I was a little nervous but knew that it would probably take longer before baby.  Safina is a young precious woman who was a bit scared and far from home.  The other students were helpful along with the workers during the day but she preferred for me to not be far from her site.  The afternoon progressed and I held a tea for Solomon, Sarah, and Nashopi.  They were staying on the center a few days before they made the move to Parakuyu to serve.  We gathered for a time of blessing and prayer over them before they stayed in town to leave early for the next part of the journey.  Safina joined us and we prayed for her as well.  The labor progressed and she wanted me with her.  I was keeping track of the signs of labor that I had learned of previously.  She was praying through each contraction in Swahili, "Yesu saidia!"  I was echoing the same prayer in English, "Jesus help me!"

We were now into the evening and a lengthy period of time with contractions 5mins a part.  I knew that first time babies the labor is lengthy but I was worried this later part would go fast and this baby would be born on my living room floor.  With a white woman and a dad who looked like a deer in head lights!  Even with the journey close the road is bad and not a fun ride especially in labor!  I decided it was time to go to the clinic even though her water was still intact.  We arrived and the nurse said that she had progressed enough they would have her stay but that she was only dilated 2 centimeters.  Now, again I know its the first baby but I was a bit concerned that she was not dilated more.  To which I also know that it is going to be a long night in a clinic that I wouldn't even go to the bathroom in let alone have a baby!  We pressed on till 4am only dilating a centimeter more then her contractions seemed to stop.  We can tell the position of the baby but the nurse says that a c-section is needed.  Now I have no idea if it is or not but need the parents to make the call.  Of course they are scared and c-sections are not something they are familiar.  So they decline and want to wait till morning.  Of course this puts the tail spin in the place.  The clinic personnel down to the guard are not happy and refuse to care for us at that point.  I am thinking don't panic this will probably be just fine but then I was somewhat worried that what if it didn't go well.  Safina shares with me a dream she has which does not put my mind at ease either.  Dreams here come as those we read of in scriptures and all I could do was pray for wisdom and protection.  I called Lomayani to assist me to minister to the scared couple.  He talks to them and I was concerned cause she was still was not having any contractions.  After several more hours the couple agreed to let them care for them but then the doctor didn't come for another several hours.  I was irritated to say the least because now it was morning which was when the couple wanted to wait anyway.  They took her in and the poor woman wouldn't let go of my hand.  They kinda put this curtain up and I waited.  Then it seemed there was scurrying around and they needed my help.  Next thing I know I am standing there and the slimy little life was tossed to me.  He wasn't crying nor breathing yet.  They told me he was gotten just in time and maybe took on part of the fluid.  I cleared his nose and was rubbing his little body.  I felt like I was in a movie.  Not long even though at the time it felt like FOREVER the little cry came.  I have never been so happy to hear a cry in all my days.  I cleaned the baby and wrapped him up.  Safina was in shock and a lot of pain.  I showed her little baby boy to her and a partial smile came across her face.  I am not sure how but for the next six or so hours I stayed awake to get the baby to feed, got his vaccinations, and tried to tend to Safina.  The father returned around lunch time from sharing the news with the relieved CMF crew.  He sat by his wife and I placed his son into his arms for the first time.  Rafel was all smiles!  I returned to the center for some rest then checked on Safina the following day.  I was thankful that she seemed more like herself and was already moving about.  That relieved me some to see.  One of the other mommas and I took turns sitting with her at night till I finally convinced them that Safina would rest well at the Center.  We have had some ups and downs this week but I think we are on the upper end of the challenges.  They named the little boy Daudi (David.)  He is a precious little one and one that will be hard to forget! 

Prayer Points~

  • May Daudi bless his parents and grow in strength, wisdom, courage.  May he grow to be a man who brings honor to God.
  • Safina and Rafel who are experiencing parenthood for the first time.  May they be godly parents who raise Daudi to know and fear the Lord.
  • Pray for Safina's healing
  • Pray for rest for all of us its been an exciting and stressful week!

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