Thursday, November 14, 2013

For a time we say goodbye

The staff and students at CMF had a wonderful time of blessing to say farewell for furlough.  The day before I shared in devotions.  I talked about how some will ask what the hardest part of being a missionary is?  I explained that the hardest part is also the best part.  When one truly finds two very different places to be home it is quite difficult to say goodbye to one for awhile for another.  You are always missing one place no matter where you are.  However, the joy of the journey found loving people of these places is one I would never trade.  I also talked about the joy of our eternal home and how wonderful it will be to all be together!  But, till then I say farewell to my home in Africa to visit my home in the States.

The kids sang, people spoke kind words, gifts were made, and hugs given.  It was a special time with people who I will truly miss but I look forward to sharing how God is moving in our lives so that more may know Jesus in Tanzania!  

Prayer Points~

  • Please pray for the transition back to the States.

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