Friday, November 1, 2013

Happiness, Neema, and Jaclyn

Amon and Roida have the three most precious young girls.  They are so well mannered, respectful, tender hearted, and smart!  Their parents are of the Bena and Hehe tribes also from Bagamoyo area.  I heard once that the Hehe got their name because when someone came up to their village for battle the people would wave their hands up in the air and yell, "Hehe!"  I love it and some of the battle tactics of the Old Testament I guess one can use many strategies!

Happiness is the oldest.  She is seven years old and does such a wonderful job caring for the younger ones.  She is quiet but so very smart!  I love to watch her little face when she is thinking about things.  I love it when she thinks for herself and have tried to verbally affirm her for encouragement to do so.

Neema is very much like her sister Happiness.  She is a little more outgoing but she is shy at the same time.  My favorite moment with Neema is when she ran up to me to show me that she finally was able to write her own name.  She is so very thrilled to be able to write her own name on her paper by herself.  She smiles every time which is huge for a little four year old girl here in Africa!  

Last but not least there is Jaclyn is one and full of personality!  She is not shy like the other two girls and I believe has a lot of her dad in her!  She is one of the most tender hearted funny little one years to cross our Training path!  She brings joy to our days!

 Cutest little bag lady ever!

Jaclyn loves to hold Peter's hand!  Brings tears to my eyes every time!

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order 
that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his 
glorious inheritance in his holy people,
Ephesians 1:18

May these beautiful girls be protected from harm.  May they bring glory to your name and use their giftedness to bless others.  Guide their parents in who they should marry one day.  I believe they will love many in the name of Jesus!  

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