Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Can you believe that it is 2014?!  I sure can't!  When I left for my second term two and half years ago 2014 seemed so far away.  But, even at a relatively young age I have discovered that time flies.  I have experienced days and hours that seem like two years within themselves but overall I am amazed at the passing of time.  I was looking through old pictures that I needed to sort today.  I needed an indoor task to stay warm inside from the snow!  (Milo and I find ourselves so very very cold!)  The pictures remind me of the new faces that are now present, the faces who are no longer with us here on this earth, the lessons learned, growth, blessings, provisions, and the list goes on!  I am amazed how God is alive and working within my life, the joy of worshiping a loving God that I continue to explore, and the love I find in serving Him.    

Many ask how the transition is going!  I think the more one does these transitions there are portions that becomes easier.  I know that I need to be patient with myself getting used to the pace of life, new elements, and large amounts found with life in the States.  But, there are also challenges that even though you have transitioned before the more life lived in Africa the odder things in the States seem at times.  Above all I know the journey is a unique one but I am thankful of what I have learned.  I know that I will never be the same.  Above is a short clip of the blessings of this year, the grace evident, and mercy displayed.  I purposefully interchanged pictures of precious moments and people of both of my homes for this is my intertwined journey of heart and life here in this world.   We press on because this is not our home and there are precious children in Tanzania that I know need to know the Lord.  I look forward to sharing with churches near and far the ministry that they are a part along with the lives touched in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013!!  2014 is yours my God and Creator!

Prayer Points~
(Biblical encouragement, prayer thoughts, and words of wisdom written by my college (CCU) President and friend David Faust)

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:18, 19).

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 
(2 Corinthians 5:17).

“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’” (Revelation 21:5).

Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth,

You are the author of new beginnings.  You spoke the universe into existence and created all things new at the beginning of time.  Now as we prepare for another year to begin, please:

·       Give us a fresh perspective so we can see the opportunities you are placing before us in 2014. 
·       Renew our strength to face every challenge the coming months will bring.
·       Allow us to learn new things about you and influence more people in the right direction. 
·       Help us to grow.  Give us new ideas. Show us new ways of doing things.  Grant us new insights   we can share with others.  Teach us discipline.  Reinforce our desire to develop new and healthier habits.  
·       Renew our sense of purpose, and fill us with fresh energy for each day’s tasks.

We dedicate the new year ahead to the glory of Christ, in whose name we pray.  Amen.
(Taken from a weekly prayer e-mail by David Faust Present of CCU)

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