Monday, February 3, 2014

Time with the Haynes

I just love the family of God!  While on this journey of global living I am amazed at the people that I get to meet.  Two weeks ago I was able to visit my South African friends who lived in Tanzania and now live in Jamaica!  They moved their about five/six months ago.  It was good for both of us for we were missing our Tanzanian home.  It was great to be with friends who know what life is like there and enjoy each others company.  Just an added bonus that it was in Jamaica!  I was so thankful to be warm again!!  The week was filled with laughter, reading, fun, sun, rainbows, conversations, and good food.  The Haynes family are special people who I believe will shine brightly in Jamaica!   With the honeymoon phase of being home coming to a close it was beneficial in the continual transition to be removed from the chaos, have time for refreshment, and fortifying prayer.


Prayer Points~

Today a prayer of Blessing for the Haynes Family.  They continue to transition to new life in Jamaica.  I pray for good friends for each member, fun visit with Ian's mom (grandma) in Feb, and for them to find christian fellowship.  May they shine like stars!


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