Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Meet Aaron (Aaroni) he and his wife came through the Church Planter Training Course several trainings ago. I was not here at that time but many speak such good things about he and his wife. During the training his wife became very ill. She had cancer of some sort and was gone shortly after training was over. Aaroni and his children were just crushed. Aaroni has just not been the same they say after that. We were close to where his church is shortly after I came and that is when I met him for the first time. He is a gracious and sweet man. We were worried about his weight but he seemed to be in better spirits.

Aaroni is now building a church! He has been meeting in a place and paying rent but found a piece of land he could buy for the church grounds. It is so wonderful to hear that Aaroni has strength and vision again as a leader! He has found 30 people to meet and already have baptized some as well. He put 100,000 down himself for the grounds of the church. Now a side note shilling lesson is about $10 for 10.000 Tanzanian Shillings a little less but you get my point. But, for him a great deal of money. So I knew he had investment in the ground. He found some additional funds donated from others. He just had one portion left. He came to the center looking for help. We are careful about how we help and who because it is a never ending battle here. There are so many in need and how we help is very important to who we are. Todd was telling the team about this. I talked to Todd and told him that I had a plan!

My youngest sister Christie Graduated from College last Spring. It was hard to not be there and I did not know how to show her how proud I was of her from so far away. But, I then figured out a plan! So, with the help of my Cincinnati Family I wrote a letter telling her these things. Because of her love for Africa as well and passion to help people I would help a child with education, a family in need, or church education in her honor. They placed the note with a flower to give to her on her day.

But today is the day when the gift was completed. Todd and I met Aaroni and I told him of my sister. I think at first he was confused to why I was telling him this but at the end I told him I wanted him to know why this gift was being given him and his church. That we believed in his church planting heart and like himself want to continue to see more of Africa to know Jesus! His eyes got misty and he was so grateful! I knew he needed a blessing. He asked for prayer and said that he would tell the people of me and my sister. He hopes that one day we both can come to the church and be a part of worship with them. How wonderful that would be! The word keeps spreading here by the gift of others! He couldn't wait to hitch a ride back to his home, buy the land, and tell the people! They hope to begin building the church with bricks by March but by people today!

Prayer Points~
  • I am grateful for my sister Christie and her love for people!
  • Pray for Aaroni! Pray for his wounded heart! Pray for his leadership and the church body. May the church continue to grow and His name continue to be made known in the Katesh area of Tanzania!!

1 comment:

  1. That was a wonderful thing you did, Wendy. A sister's loving bond should never be broken no matter distance or circumstance. Trust me, I have 3 sisters and a brother, and there are difficulties at times, but the love never goes away...Praise God for that!
