Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Welcome to the Boma!

Greetings friends and karibu sana to my boma.  It would truly make my day for you to come to my house.  I would take you on a little tour and then we could sit down to have a cup of coffee n chat!  I hope one day to have some of you for a visit but till then this blog post will just have to do.  For those who will never get to make the long plane ride the slide show now available is a tour of my house.  It feels very much like home and many additional homey touches have been made since being back in Tanzania.  I am grateful to so many who have been a part of blessing my boma.  Many kind gifts given to me or items to help be remembered.  Pictures colored by my niece Shelby or drawings from kids of PCC.  Maybe you helped pack or graciously hauled the bags into the airport.  I am also thankful to my dear friend Deanna and her helpers who made my curtains and bedspread.  Those things have all really made my home here a home constructed with TLC.  With all of my heart I wish the sound of the gate would click and in you would walk.  Milo would be the first to greet you followed by a hug from me.  But, till then this blog is my hug and the slide show is my way of saying thank you!  


  1. very nice! You have grass in your yard! I love your boma. You should also include a picture of Milo greeting us :). Maybe I'll figure out a way to come visit sometime. See you soon!

  2. Thanks Lynn! Look forward to seeing you. Yes, with a few short rains our grass has turned green almost over night! Would love to have you visit sometime!

  3. I loved looking at the Boma. I feel like I really can picture you there.
