Monday, June 24, 2013

Corinth and Athens

 First we saw the Corinth Canal.  But the highlight was making our way to Ancient Corinth.  I was standing in the place where Paul met Aquila and Priscilla!  Acts 18:1-18 was all around me.  

                             The markings of the early day were beautiful and I was amazed.
 I think I was most moved by the ruins of Ancient Corinth than the others visited later in the trip.  It may have largely been that the crowds were not present here and there was more time for reflection.  We stood before the Bema (tribunal) platform for public addresses as Paul did before Gallio.  The picture to the right is the early church found in Corinth.  The underground spring of Peirene was still active and the water could be heard through the old arch ways.  We walked along the old ancient road that many had before years ago.  


Then we made our way to the Acropolis, the Propylaea, the Parthenon and Mars Hill.  There was not the connection in this place as there was in Corinth.  But, the hill was a hefty climb and it was quite huge!  Impressive to all of us even after so many years broken from war, age, and earthquakes.  It was very apparent why Paul was distressed to see that the city was full of idols.  But, we remembered those stories from greek mythology in school.  Of course Paul was in the midst of those who needed to know and told the people of the God who made the world and everything in it.  The Lord of heaven and earth who does not live in temples built by hands no matter the magnitude.    

I have to say the highlight for me this day was being at the foot of Mars Hill.  I looked up and saw the edge of where Paul debated with the intellectual community of his day.  Roy Lawson and I began an intellectual conversation of our own.  With each word and step we climbed up on the rock that hid the most beautiful view.  A breeze made us aware of why it might be a place where people gathered.  I continue to be thankful for the meaningful people who gather in my journey of life to be a blessing. Roy would be one of those people and I am thankful for the time, encouraging words, and the climb that I will always remember.

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