Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I will attempt over the next week or so to blog about each town visited on this amazing journey through the Mediterranean.  Mostly for my own reflection but always happy to share my ventures with anyone who would like to read!  I boarded the plane that always seems to stretch far bigger than the small Kilimanjaro Airport itself.  The huge plane always seems out of place sitting on the runway that thankfully is paved.  (Always looking for the positive!)  I sat in my seat and I am not sure I could believe the trip was finally here!  Sitting in the seat with the air-conditioning spout above my head and the TV screen in front of my face.  I am always amazed that it doesn't take long to realize that one is not in Kansas anymore!  It doesn't take long for things that once used to be so normal feel so abnormal!  I set out in my sparkle shoes anxious for the next 24hrs to pass quickly so that I could be united with the rest of the travel group.  A group that was filled with loved ones and friends of home.  I passed the time watching movies one being Roman Holiday. Like Princess Ann I was excited for the escape and filled with excitement for new sties!

I reached the hotel before the group.  They stood in the rain for 2 1/2 hours to see Vatican City.  From what I understand the length and the rain did not make this day the most favorable.  Especially since they boarded a bus from the airport after flying all night and enduring jet lag.  Made for a memorable day but not probably for good reasons.  But, I was there waiting for the bus to pull up and so excited for hugs.  It was kinda funny that most of the Plainfield people with sleepy eyes and not expecting to see me walked right on past.  However, I waited for Mark and Evelyn to step off the bus and ran right into their open arms.  I was so happy to get to see them.  I met Lynda my roommate for the next two weeks.  And shortly received hugs from the Plainfield group as they waited to check into the hotel.  The evening was spent settling into the rooms, dinner, and an early nights rest.

The first full day in Rome began at the Catacombs.  The chapel that rested above the underground tunnels made for a moving place of worship.  What a gift to sing hymns filled with words of faith in a place where many of the early church worshiped in great faith tucked away in the midst of Roman Rule.  I listened to the words Steve White who shared the power of the cross in preparation for communion which was like suave for the soul.  Steve who is the minister of my home and supporting church was soothing to hear him share.  It was a true joy to be able to partake communion in such a place in fellowship with meaningful people.  As I sat between Mark and Evelyn singing The Power of the Cross my cup overflowed.

Our next destination of the day was St. Paul's Basilica.  Out of all the churches visited (and we visited ALOT) this was my favorite.  The church is believed to be the site that Paul is buried.  However, as we know about most of these biblical sites nothing is completely conclusive.  Founded by Constantine but expanded by Valentinian I in 370s. The Basilica endured a fire in 1823 was reconstructed.   I continue to be in aw of the construction of such masterful work in the early days.  Little did I know I would continue to be blown away by the sites of history.

We continued the afternoon with a walk through the narrow streets of Rome trotting down the Spanish Steps and then to the famous Trevi Fountain.  It was filled with people both Italians and Tourists like ourselves but definitely the place to be!  We broke off to have our first Italian eating experience.  I had the most mouth watering lasagna I have ever eaten.  Then topped off with my first of many stops for Gelato!  I was on vacation and LOVING it!  We met back up with the big group and continued our lengthy walk through the city.  The highlight in my opinion was seeing and being inside the Pantheon.  The place where they say has the greatest number of records and the biggest brick dome in the history of architecture.  "Michelangelo thought is was the work of angels, not of men."  (Italy Guides)  I still can't believe I walked into a building that Michelangelo stood in aw of as well.  In 27 and 25 BC it was a temple built for all Roman gods and is the best preserved ancient building in Rome.  The name means pan "everything" and teon "divine."  The temple was then taken by the Roman Catholic Church known now as St. Mary's and the Martyrs.  Dedicated to Christian Martyrs known and unknown.  I couldn't help but ponder the persecution that our church planters face in Tanzania.  I silently prayed a prayer that regardless of a huge basilica to honor their efforts.   That the spreading of the gospel for those like myself who later will walk in the line of faith will know the love of his/her Creator because of lives lived for the sake of spreading the gospel.  Basilica of the Martyrs I couldn't help int he midst of the crowd but stop and be thankful for lives lived and sacrificed for the spreading of the gospel.  We continued our walk through town marveling at city streets and political buildings.  We crossed the Tigris River on our way home and enjoyed dinner at the hotel.  Then, a small group of adventure seekers Whites including Steve's brother Tom, Lydicks, Brocks, along with Lynda and myself decided we wanted the opportunity to see Rome at night!  We loaded in taxis and had the most enjoyable evening.  The lights on the Trevi Fountain were breath taking.  The group donated to the third coin that I was the only one allowed to throw to find my Italian love.  One coin is tossed that one will return to Rome, one for a wish, and one to be his/her Italian Love.  Diana with her two coins and I with my three turned around with our backs to the fountain and tossed the coins over our left shoulder happily into the fountain.  I have yet to find my Italian love but the pure enjoyment of being together in the most lovely place of Rome satisfied my entire being.  We enjoyed coffee and desserts at a street cafe along the road before heading back to the hotel.  The sites, conversation, and laughs brought great joy to my heart!                   

Our next morning was another early one with more walking through Ancient Rome.  The pillars that remain so tall and strong after so many years is truly mind boggling.  The highlight of the day is when our tired legs took us to the great Colosseum.  Wow!  The largest amphitheater in the world is right!  I can't believe I walked through a structure that was started by a Roman Emperor in 70 AD that could hold over 50,000 - 80,000 spectators!  It may have endured many earthquakes but remains to be quite a site of Imperial Rome and a site to behold in Rome today!  I was amazed!  A great deal of bloodshed within these walls but it truly was a remarkable structure.

We then headed to the port to board the largest boat I have ever seen to be our home for the next 12 nights! But, more on that in later posts.  These are the tales of our three days in Rome tune in again for the next town of Naples.

Prayer Points~

  • Arusha town is a bit tense these days due to an off season election.  There is conflict between the two political parties.  Please continue to pray for peace within Arusha and the hearts of the people who fill it.  

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