Friday, July 12, 2013

Anna's Send Off & Wedding

Anna's Send Off and Wedding was the last week of June.  We had a wonderful time celebrating with her!  Joann and I went to the church down the road (Anna's Church) for the Send-Off on Thursday.  Many of our workers were involved in different ways and that brought joy to my heart.  Thankfully in the midst of our cooler weather it was a beautiful day.  I have learned a great deal about the whole wedding process.  Many things have changed culturally a bit since they live in town and not within the remote village area along with the joy that they are both Christians.  After the engagement there is a period till the wedding that family members mostly the aunt (remember this Shelby, Ethan, Sawyer, Bella, and Adelynn) can secretly visit the soon to be bride or groom to make sure they are people of good standing.  Aunt Christie and I will be happy to incorporate this when the time comes!!  At the "Send Off" the beginning is a dialogue between the head of each family.  Anna's uncle (her dad is deceased) and Jafed's grandfather had the cutest conversation I have ever seen.  They asked each other questions like will Jafed take good care of Anna?  Is Anna a good woman?  etc.  When they are favorable the festivities can begin!  Anna is brought out with singing, shouts of happiness, and joy!  Gifts are exchanged from on family to another and then to Anna.  Anna serves cake to family member and significant people in her life.  I was sitting there and Lomayani leaned over to me and said its your turn they are calling you.  I said "what?!"  It wasn't that I didn't understand it was that the music and things are so loud it is sometimes hard to follow.  So, I jumped up and began my rhythmic walk to the front where Anna was standing.  She fed me a small square piece of cake along with a hug.  As a bride leaving the family you are supposed to be sad to leave your family so a sullen face is often seen.  But, Anna grinned from ear to ear at me and I could tell she was happy.  This has changed a bit as more women have a bit more to say about who they are marrying.  The best part of the "Send Off" had to be a poor goat who dashed in front of the party with Lomayani, who sat beside me, stood up and said, "oh there goes my gift."  The committee had a goat to present to Anna who kept running for the exit.  Loserian, Lomayani, and several other grown men running after this goat to had every intention to not be a part of this party!  They finally caught the poor thing and the party didn't miss a beat!  Anna drank from the cup of milk and offered it to Jafed to snuck in and sat in the crowd.  He stood and drank as well to which there was many shouts of joy in response.

The wedding was another gorgeous day!  It was my job to transport the little kids below in orange and be the MOB (Mother of the Bride) Transport.  We picked them up and found our way up the hills of the mountain to Jafed's church.  There were cheers as we arrived and soon after the wedding began.  When Anna came down the isle was one of my favorite parts.  She had two children's choirs singing and dancing around her as she stood in the back.  It was like the old processionals of royalty.  She began to walk in and Jafed made his way to her who took her veil back.  Then they walked down the isle together the rest of the way.  Their vows were recited with I do along with God as my help.  There was singing and dancing after the signing of the certificate.  Their mentors and pastors laid hands on them and prayed.  It was one of the most participatory and joyful weddings I have ever been a part.  Then, I helped transport them to have their pictures taken.  We came back for what would be the reception or gift giving portion.  They stood in what was like a receiving line up front and groupings of guests were called to line up and dance to the front to present your gifts and greet the couple.  The groom's family were first followed by the bride's, each church, and oh yes CMF.  I led the group with my gift held above my head in the rhythmic celebratory dance which has now become second nature.  The church went nuts and they had me circle around one lady came to me and said, "you are African!"  Such Community!  Gifts were everything from tin for the house to, blankets, cow, goat, baskets etc all to show love to the couple.  There was food and we congratulated them such before sundown one more to get home before dark.  It was an all day fun a fair and I am so glad that I got to be there for Anna's big day!                       

Prayer Point's ~

  • May Jafed and Anna have a marriage that is grounded in the Lord in which they draw strength as they journey this life together.  
  • Praise the political temperature has seemed cooled down at this time.  

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