Monday, July 1, 2013

Last but not least Venice!

It was hard for me to not think about the fact that this was our last day together.  Shortly I knew I would have to leave the rest of the group and return to my separate opposite direction on the globe.  But, I told myself in the beginning that I wouldn't wish for a different moment or dread another one ahead.  I would cherish the moment, activity, and people I was with in the moment.  However, this was the hardest day to do so for sure!  It was a lovely day in Venice and a fun place to end our journey together!

We got up early to watch the ship pull right up the canal in Venice!  It was a beautiful site.  Diana White and I had a lovely morning chat as we waited for the beautiful city to come to view.  Steve was busy scoping out the best place to see!  It was truly beautiful and even though I knew it to be true but quite remarkable to have no streets just waterways as transport.  Again we loaded a smaller boat from our ship that took us just up from Saint Mark's Square.  We walked a bit with a guide off the beaten path learned about the city and took in the beauty.  We toured St. Mark's and then went to see about Venetian Glass.  It was impressive to see them mold glass into what they wanted it to be.  We were set loose again on our own to explore and travel over bridges, bridges and more bridges!  With new friends and old some of us stopped and ate a side walk cafe to eat a wonderful pizza!  It was yummy!  Venetian Glass was everywhere along with masks from a holiday celebrated by the Venetians called Carnival Day.  I think it is a bit like Marty Grawl (have now idea who to spell it.)  You can wear a mask and sin (do as you like) no one will know.  Well, we know who knows along with unfortunately it doesn't take putting on a mask or a day for me to fall to sin.  But, I suppose the kicker is the intentionality of it and the matter of my heart.  Anyway that is the story behind them but some of them were beautiful pieces of art~ the masks!  We loaded the boats back up and enjoyed our last night of fabulous food with fabulous friends!  Of course the dreaded goodbyes had to take place and even though the goodbyes are always hard and bring tears.  I had and have joy in my heart for truly an unforgettable journey that I will always cherish.  My final post about the cruise will be tomorrow about the ship itself and the people who filled it!  So, don't loose heart this is the place to read about but not the last post about the trip.  One last post of concluding remarks of the unforgettable trip in June!              

Ponte di Rialto
the bridge over the largest canal

New friends the Cornet's

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