Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Call to me and I will answer you"


"Here is the church, Here is the steeple, Open the doors, and see all the people!"  A fun little nursery rhyme type poem I grew up hearing and later said to sweet little ones that would crawl up on my lap on a Sunday morning.  Well, here by physical material means there is no church, no steeple and no doors but to the right you can see all the people!  We gathered again this time under a tree designated as the church in Emrurototo.  This time the gathering was to first and for most worship our creator.  But this worship service was special for it was an opportunity for the believers to pray and send one of their own.  Solomon and his family have excepted the call to move from their home to Parakuyu.  This is in the southern part of the country where three tribes live Maasai being one.  Solomon is a great man of God who has taught me about living with great faith.  He loves God, he loves his family, and he loves people!  He shares God's truth with a zeal and excitement that one can't help but be captivated.  Solomon and his wife Sarah believe that God is calling them to a new area to spread the gospel.  Their new work will be 12/13 hours from where they are now.  In a new area of Tanzania.  This is very exciting but as we gathered under the tree there was not a dry eye among the "white people."  First of all we truly couldn't be prouder of Solomon and Sarah along with their children.  We also are excited for the CCCT church to send out their very first missionaries to another part of the country among foreign tribes to them.  Lastly, we could be empathetic in the joy found in God's call to go and the way they heart aches saying goodbye.  Solomon, James, and Peter have been together for a long time.  They have faced many challenges and encouraged one another to press on.  It was moving to watch these men support one another but the difficulty of being separated from people you love to love people you do not even know.  It was a moving service and prayer time for the family.  Words were shared among many and Sarah and Solomon shared as well.  The older children will remain in their school in Kenya.  They will travel to place the kids in school then Solomon, Sarah, and Nashopi will begin the ministry in Parakuyu.

We may not have a steeple but an Acacia Tree whose branches stretch wide like a blanket from the sun.  There is no door that separates an in and an out.  But there ARE many good people who out of worship desire to serve that more may know God's love.  A church without without walls but a church of people filled with love is where I worship this day.            

The three girls who are up front leading worship are Solomon's sister, daughter and Peter's daughter.  They are the next generation with the guidance and love of godly parents breaking cultural chains of darkness.  They are top in their classes and I believe will continue to be leaders raising to make a difference in this nation!

Prayer Points~
  • Pray for Solomon and his family in this transition and setting up a new home in a new area.  
  • Please also pray protection and against advances that the enemy is trying to take within the area.  We know that many times when the spirit is moving and good things are taking place to expand the Kingdom the enemy does not like.  Word was sent that a fight has broken out in the Mawewe area which is where Solomon's new home was built.  Details are uncertain but Solomon and Sarah are waiting word before they proceed.  They are due to travel to the area this week.  Please pray a prayer of protection over this great man of faith and his family as they proceed into an area of darkness to shine light in Jesus Name!  

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