Tuesday, August 6, 2013

CCCT Sherehe!

 I always loved it when Tami Carter would refer to elements of our journey and point out an "Ebenezer."  Well, my friends Sunday July 28th 2013 was just an event for believers in Tanzania.  First, let me say that the Christian Community Church of Tanzania (CCCT) has been working on a certificate of registration for over five years.  It has been a lengthy process with many ups and downs along with a great deal of time spent on the president's desk just waiting a simple signature.  A certain number of churches have been allowed to form but as the number increases the registration becoming more and more a needed piece of paper.  The much awaited time arrived and the registration for the CCCT was granted.  On the 28th James Kukan the leader of the church decided a day to celebrate and worship was needed.  CMF both Church Planting and BUV Missionaries along with our friends of Wild Hope made the venture to Enkuea to be a part with our Tanzanian Brothers and Sisters.  In 1 Samuel 7 a memorial or "Ebenezer" was erected at the end of the chapter.  A thankful memorial of His victory to bring glory to God and for the encouragement of Israel.  This particular Sunday definitely marked an Ebenezer kind of day!  We were seated up front which is common as the guests but the beautiful element was that we had very little part in the service.  How marvelous to watch the leaders and each church represented worship in thankfulness.  Of course we joined in worship it was not like we watched but we lead in very little.  I will never tire as long as I live to join in worship with my brother and sisters of Tanzania.  Such heartfelt rhythm and joy expressed in worship.  It was symbolic of first Scott Price's assistance along with Gary Woods that the certificate be handed from a CMF Missionary to James who is the leader of the church then James passed a copied certificate to each of the churches who are now currently meeting.  A certificate to be hung as a reminder of the day of celebration of God's provision and the faithfulness of His people.  We had meat from a goat roast following the service and enjoyed being together.  It was a full day of adventure but indeed an Ebenezer kind of Day!

Momma Rose is the woman in the middle.  She is the one who while on my site assessment trip almost four years ago said, "you will return and bring hope for the children of these hills."

Prayer Points~

  • Pray for the churches a part of the CCCT Church that they may stand firm in the darkness that seeks to devour our precious people.  May this Ebenezer be a reminder in the days of trial and persecution.  May we always be a body that whole heartedly gives worship to our God and Creator.  In Jesus Name may there be many more hearts brought to the love of Jesus with many more churches meeting under trees in Tanzania!  Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow!  

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