Monday, September 23, 2013

A face that could be President

In areas of teaching and empowerment one of the things most difficult as a teacher/leader is patience.  Teaching/Empowerment in true transformation often takes a great deal of time especially in remote third world places.  However, that doesn't mean that I have not seen my share of God's divine intervention occur on the spot in a person's life.  It also doesn't mean that there are not victories to celebrate along with way.  Just as our faith and daily attempts of discipleship to become more like Jesus with each day of life takes time which produces growth.  Same can be true of teaching/empowerment changing a course of a long line of generations requires a great deal of patience along with time.  Which is why I continue to feel called to this land living alongside to help produce transformation not only in this life but one where the stakes are that of eternal!  Back to the victories I go which brings me to this little face to the right.  A couple of Sundays ago I was lying down at home not feeling the greatest.  Carrie woke me to say that someone arrived at the Center and wanted to see me.  It was a man and his son of a previous training course who really wanted to greet me.  I pulled myself up out of bed to make my way to the front of the Center.  There waiting for me was Daudi and his son Eliudi who made up one of the three families of the very first training course that I got to be a part of here in Tanzania in 2010.  Since I have a lot of work with the bush schools in Maasailand I often see those students after training.  But, this was my first time to see any past students of my very first group over three years ago.

Eliudi was one of
those kids in training who wrapped himself around my legs with a morning hug, always had a smile on his face, and anxious to learn.  He was like a little sponge soaked up anything and everything there was to learn.  Special people from the States gave me those words that you can place on the wall for decoration.  The words read "trust in the Lord with all your heart."  When I returned for my second term I decorated the wall space around these words with 4 by 6 pictures I had printed while in the States.  These pictures were not just ones that I liked but ones that held great meaning behind them.  Each face or action displayed in the pictures help encourage and strengthen me everyday.  They are special moments where God spoke by the spirit of the harvest there was to reap and sow in this place.  Moments pictured where I knew my call was confirmed, needs were made known, and ideas born.  These pictures encourage me to press on, remind me of the journey that has already been walked, and the task that continues to be before me for Kingdom's sake.  I tell you this because the picture above is one that is on my wall.  Eliuidi's face is one that encourages me that kids desire the opportunity to learn.  That the lives of this generation are waiting for those before to empower them with truths they should know.  Kids who do not just want to know things but desire to share them to make this country a  better place for those who will come behind them.  This my friends is one of those kids!    

Eliudi is the middle child of Daudi.  His father shared with me this Sunday afternoon that once Eliudi left the CMF Center he wanted to keep learning.  His dad shared with me that Eliudi wanted to go to a good school.  He wanted to learn English and many things like his first teacher (me.)  Daudi knew his son had a desire to learn and an intelligent kid.  However, Daudi wasn't sure how he would help make this dream come true for his son.  There are no school options close to where they were to begin a new church, funds were uncertain, and it meant he would have to send his six year old son far away from home.  Daudi said as they were praying about this an opportunity came and Eliudi could go to a school on the other side of Arusha.  An English Medium School with godly leadership who saw the same potential in Eliudi.  His father proudly told me that each payment time for school fees he was able to sell something for Eliudi to attend school.  Eliudi has now been at the school for two years.  They brought his school work to me and explained that he is second in his class.  Eliudi said that he was studying very hard to be first.  His marks were excellent and tears were in my eyes as they both thanked me for Eliudi's love of learning began here in our classroom.  Eliudi looked at me and said, "you believed in me and told me that God wants to work in my life."  How precious it was to hear this eight year old's words.  He continued and said that he wanted to become president one day.

I was curious after his visit and went to visit the school.  I wanted to see for myself the quality of the school, the leadership, and environment to live.  I was impressed with the living conditions, staff, and classrooms.  There were handmade posters, learning resources, and activities all around which is extremely rare.  The classes had good numbers and the teachers were engaged with the students.  I have been to many schools where my heart sinks with the quality of effort and teachers in the classes.  But, this is one the best schools I have seen.

With the recent days of heart ache with the attacks in Kenya.  I believe more than ever that God will raise kids like Eliudi to indeed be president.  We need leaders who restore this country and those in East Africa to the ways of the Lord.  To be mighty of spirit and create a country that indeed is one that praises the Lord.  I believe that God is doing that and how blessed I am to be a small part of the journey.  A sower of seeds am I and one that waters is what the Lord has called me to in this place as kids like Eliudi fill my days.  I recognized the potential of this kid in those early days of my journey here.  Every kid is called to worship and serve how they are gifted to make a difference in this place.  Eliudi has a given gift from the Lord of a desire to learn, intelligence, leadership, and a dynamic personality.  I believe any kid has the opportunity to want to be president but I truly believe that Eliudi could be one day.

In Tanzania every office and establishment is required to have a picture of the president hanging in a large visible place.  Pray with me that this face who is pictured on the wall in my house will one day be pictured in the offices that fill this country.  A face who honors God, leads with honesty, and has a heart for the people.  To God be the Glory great things he hast done and will do!    

Prayer Points~

  • Pray a prayer of blessing on Eliudi's father as he sees the potential in his son and is willing to send him even at this early age away from home to pursue continued empowerment.  And that his father is willing to sacrifice materials for the funds needed for education.  May his house be blessed and may the funds be available when needed.  
  • Regardless of office title may this sweet face continue to be a leader today and one of tomorrow.  A godly man who leads in respect given and received.  A man who leads by God's principles and is protected by the name Jesus!  May his life continue to have mentor type people filled with the holy spirit to guide, love, and call this young life to greatness for the sake of expanding the Kingdom!  

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