Thursday, September 26, 2013

Petro Loves Kids Training!

Petro has begun school now with this group of Kids Training Kids!  He comes to school currently on Thursday mornings from 9:30 - 12:30.  If you remember from prior posts Petro is the son of one of our workers John.  Petro has cerebral palsy and has never been to school.  He LOVES school and his parents are so happy that there is a place for him to come to learn, have friends, and be loved.

We have begun teaching Petro to communicate by pictures. I took pictures of our schedule, surroundings, and classroom lessons.  Slowly with the kids help we are teaching Petro lessons and for him to be able to make choices by choosing the picture.

The kids have been great!  We are teaching them that God loves ALL people.  The kids were hesitant at first to interact with Petro but it didn't take long for them to embrace him.  They are great about including him in activities and playing with him.  There was only one little girl who was frightened by Petro.  We have carefully walked step by step with her to not be surprised by his jerky movements.  She is now Peter's biggest helper!

Today as the kids prayed Peter was laying on a mat.  The kids raised their hands above their head to pray and slowly we saw Peter move his arms to lay above his head as well.  As the song came to a close and the kids all began to verbally pray aloud at the same time.  I looked down at smiling Peter and saw tears rolling down his face to the mat.  I am not sure exactly what the tears meant but I pray that its a response for how dearly loved he is!  Petro may not be able to speak but we know that much can touch his mind and heart.  I have never seen a face that can give the brightest most peace filled smile.  We are very proud of ALL of our kids!

Prayer Points~

  • Training is going very well now into week four!  This week the adults are learning about Bible Interpretation.  The kids are busy with the stories of Moses and learning the letter Gg and Hh!  Pray that all the elements of training experienced here in these weeks is lasting empowerment.
  • The new momma continues to heal and the new baby is eating more along with being a little more alert.  I am very happy and relieved that the two are doing so well.  May Daudi keep eating to be strong and healthy! 

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