Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Marriage Seminar

The adults had the marriage seminar which is always a big week.  They study what God's truth says about marriage to compare/contrast how their culture teaches them to treat their spouse.  It can be a very delicate week to teach but Lomayani and Elinipa did a great job!  To celebrate on Friday there is always a renewing of the vows.  The kids were present and it was a very sweet time to celebrate with these families.  
They study the love languages as a part of the lessons.   This was the first time that husbands presented small gifts to their wives.  It was very sweet and the wives always curtsey to receive as a sign of respect.   The men even drew on the paper making it look pretty.  Such sweet tender moments.

The kids celebrated happily with their parents.  It was so wonderful for them to watch this as an example of love.  Their favorite part is always the cake at the end!

Pray that these families remain strong in the Lord to obey His word and stand firm together in love.  May they be protected from the enemy in Jesus name be good communicators, courageous, and strong!  May these lives bound together in love both young and old make a mighty difference for Kingdoms Sake all because of Jesus!

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