Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Blessing

The families studied the importance of family.  Parents grew in their understanding of passing down a heritage of faith to their children.  This is always a special time of examining God's word to see His truth revealed to how to live out it out today.  One of the things we do together is to have a family worship time.  This helps the parents to know how to include the children into times of worship, fellowship, and prayer instead of casting them aside.  Last week we had a time of worship then the families took turns in prayer.  The parents prayed for the children, the children prayed for their parents, then another family would pray a prayer of blessing over the entire family.  We took turns with each family in the midst of singing and the kids told the story of David and Goliath.  It was a very special time.  Thursdays are Peter's day with us so we invited Petro's parents to be with us for the morning as well.  It was special to watch the parents experience how they have embraced Petro to the class.  About half way through the prayer time one of the other dads took Petro and held him in his lap to help John and his wife.  It moved me to tears to watch the love pour from one life to another!     

Prayer Points~

  • May these families be strong and courageous sent to places in this country to make a difference.  I pray these parents remain in God's truth and for the Holy Spirit to guide how they lead their children in the ways of the Lord.  May these children listen and never turn from the love of Jesus.  Together may they be examples of God's love poured out for this nation so that more may know of Jesus!
  • I am venturing to the States a few weeks early to finally have an appointment with an ENT Stateside.  My ear and the meds that I have been trying to patch it up with need to be addressed.  Currently my ear is painful, change of altitude is noticeable which makes me a little nervous for the flight.  Please pray for strength and for my ear as I make the journey home leaving Tanzania Monday night (afternoon Stateside) to land in Indy Tuesday late afternoon.  It will be good to see family and friends!    

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