Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Crossroads Christian Church Largo Florida


Many many months back my supporting church in Largo Florida asked if I would be a part of their missions week.  I have to say it was a pleasant surprise because not many churches still have mission weeks a part of their calendar any longer.  The weekend kicked off with a dinner where a gentleman from Good News Production, myself, and Roy Lawson spoke.  I do always enjoy when my travels allow my path to cross not only with friends within the location but also friends from other places flying in to be a part of the same program.  That was true of Roy Lawson.  Always thankful when my path crosses with he and Joy.  He is a man of great wisdom of scripture, laughter walking through life, and one who has such a heart of empowerment of people especially young people.  I was a little intimidated to speak before him but always thankful like I said when our paths cross.  As a missionary I have learned that one always must be prepared with the 1/2 minute, 15 min, 30min, and then the 60 min prepared thoughts of Tanzania.  It helps because sometimes you know the structure, sometimes it changes, or sometimes you have no idea what you are about to be doing.  Crossroads had a lovely week prepared and it was nice to be remembered among the faces.  They had a very warm welcome and it is a blessing that there are so many retired missionaries among the brothers and sisters there.  I painted a picture for the group who gathered Saturday Night of what it was like to worship with the Maasai brothers and sisters.  I watched Mrs. Pennington's face as if I had just taken her home back to where the other half of her heart lived for so many years.  I was able to share with the kids on Sunday who have done projects throughout the last 3 years plus for the kids along with myself and Milo to provide and encourage.  They sent a welcome home box just a few months ago.  They remembered the notes they wrote and asked to make sure I read each one!  They remembered me and ran right up to hug and welcome.  LeAnn Jones has done a wonderful job to keep myself, the kids of Tanzania, and the ministry a part of their weekly worship time in the children's ministry.  I was a part of meals, small groups, Sunday morning service and it all was a joy to share what we have all been a part of in the ministry within Tanzania.   Marty and Carol Diruma who were such great hosts on behave of the church.  They were so kind and truly wanted to bless me throughout the week.  Carol even took me on a kayaking trip and it was a beautiful reminder of God's goodness to us!  Also, trip to Florida would not be as sweet without my time with dear friends like Doug and MaryBeth Margason.  It was so good to spend time with them.  They are people that no matter how much time has passed you can pick right back up with them.  And on this kind of a journey those friends are treasures!  Another bright spot in my time there was Kristofer and his mom Beth.  I met them when I was at Crossroads for VBS almost 3/4 years ago.  I got to spend some time with them.  Kristofer picked a scarf out for me and said, "it is like a hug from me when you wrap it around your neck."  He is sweet and has so many wonderful questions about Tanzania.  His class was having some Olympic competitions and he chose to be the country of Tanzania!  I love the people both young and old on the journey!!  It was a time of great blessing with the congregation of Crossroads Christian Church!  Thankful for their partnership in telling those in Tanzania about Jesus!       


Prayer Points~

  • Lord may you continue to work in and through the believers of Crossroads Christian Church.  May they be open to your leading as they minister to those in and around the area.  May they always have a global heart to reach the people of the world.  I pray that you guide them in this time of transition and lead them to the staff personnel needed.  Thankful for the partnership in spreading your word!
  • James and LeAnn Jones bless them as they move and respond to your calling in a new area.  Grateful for their intentionality of the relationship between the kids of Crossroads and the kids of Tanzania.   

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