Saturday, March 29, 2014

Transition from CMF

I have met with supporters in Florida, Ohio, Indiana, along with countless people throughout this journey.  I am so grateful for the amount of support and encouragement that I have received.  Sustainable support comes in many forms and I am so very thankful for the many who follow the teachings found in Matthew 10.  Many forms of a "cup of cold water" have been given through hugs, notes of encouragement, a house to call home, meals, cups of tea, fun outings, long over due chats, prayer support, monetary gifts, opportunities to share of the ministry, a pedicure, cards, canoe trip down the spring, there truly are countless ways in which love has been shown in this time of being in the States!  My heartfelt gratitude for the love show and the beauty found in God's Global Church!  The partnership we have in sharing His Love as we grow each day is a beautiful gift from the Father!

Letter describing the parting of ways with CMF

Wendy Wagoner
PO Box 544
Plainfield, IN  46168

March 10, 2014

Dear ,

These past 3 months have been filled with re-connecting with family and friends and sharing what God is doing in the church-planting ministry in Tanzania.  In some ways it seems like I arrived yesterday and in some ways, it seems so long ago that I left Tanzania.

You have been part of this ministry through your prayers and financial support. And I am so grateful for your encouragement and partnership. Back in 2010, I responded to the Church Planting team’s need for someone to address ministry opportunities within Children’s Ministry, which fit my passions for children’s ministry and missions.

So with the Lord’s direction I was able to be a student of the culture and develop a Kids’ Training program. The curriculum that I developed partnered with the adults of Church Planter Training. As the church-planters were trained at the training center to evangelize and plant churches among the unreached tribes, their children were also empowered to be Kingdom ambassadors alongside their parents.  

I have served faithfully with CMF International for four years. It is with great joy that I can say there are two young women, Annah and Catherine, who are now teachers to empower the children who come for Church Planter Training.  It’s been a joy to work with these two young women and watch them use their creativity to teach the kids. I am grateful for your support for the kids who now know the truths found in God’s Word.
I am writing today to let you know that I will be pursuing new ministry opportunities. I will be completing service with CMF on May 31st. I hope for good things in this next season of ministry for the team in Arusha. 

I am currently exploring ministry opportunities where I can continue to fulfill God’s calling.  Please continue to pray for me during this transition.  You can follow my blog at

Thank you for being part of my life and ministry.       

Wendy Wagoner


Prayer Points~

  • Please be in prayer for the Lord to continue to reveal the vision that He has for my life.  For my obedience to worship and serve my loving Creator.  My listening ears to hear the opportunities ahead to usher in a new season of the calling given to me by Him!    

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