Saturday, March 29, 2014

Birthday Blessings!

I know that I am a little behind but it has been a festive time with lots to do.  Yesterday and today I have now been able to catch up a bit on some of my computer work.  I had a lovely Birthday!  We gave thanks for the celebrations of the year and prayers for the anticipated year ahead.  Some of my prayer warriors and mentors gathered for brunch.  There was worship, scripture promises given, and lovely fellowship shared.   I am so thankful to have such wonderful people fill my life who have such hearts to bless!  

 Bella and Adelynn (my nieces) were staying with my mom so they helped celebrate too.  Bella enjoyed eating my Birthday desserts as fast as her little spoon would shovel!  We visited grandma then Bella and I snuggled to watch a tinker-bell movie.  Which she kept saying was her most favorite part of the week.  I have to say it was a highlight of mine as well.  I sure do love these moments with these cuddies!  I enjoyed time with two great friends Trish and Bethany.  I received many well wishes, cards, and hugs!  We had some ice cream cake too and Bella convinced me to have a slumber party at moms.

During brunch Doris asked if I completed my list of the 30 things to do before I was 30.  I completed most of the items before I turned 30 but I did finish it up except one thing.  It was a list filled of things that people contributed to do together, things I just get distracted then don't do, or some BIG things to check off a list in a lifetime.  Like for examples:  have lunch at the Marsh Salad Bar with Lynni, write notes to 30 special people in my life, climb the memorial on the circle in Indy, go up in a hot air balloon, visit New York.  I had done most things on the list except for one thing.  Considering that I moved to Tanzania four days after my 30th Birthday I was pretty pleased with my life events!  Someone had contributed to this list to "be kissed by a fireman."  Well, that caught Lyn's attention when I said it was the only thing that was on the list that I never did.  A few days later Lyn said she had something for her and I to do.  I met her at the school and we took off for fun.  She made a call then pulled onto a road then said, "so are you in the mood to be kissed by a fireman!"  I thought I would crawl under the seat.  I said you didn't!  She said, "oh yes I did."  Lyn is always my match for make your own fun moments!  Which I have to admit I needed a little make your own fun creative sunshine in my life right now!  Derek Donelson was a good sport and entertained us at the old fire station!  We ended the fun with coffee and the list is now officially Complete!  Now, lets see what will the next list hold!???????????????????   

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