Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Envelope

When I was younger I often became confused with the "mountain top" experiences. I hesitate to share this for fear to enter into a judgmental attitude. I watched as most of my friends were drawn into these emotional driven experiences which brought them closer to the presence of the Lord. I believe those experiences did just that! But, what I could not figure out how a week or two later it seemed of loss. Personally, I struggled with comparing my closeness to God by the emotions of others within these mountaintop moments. I think there are moments of these mountaintop experiences. But, the point I am trying to make is this. These experiences are no longer what I call the "limelight moments." Often I think the church has adapted to their own Hollywood scene. I no longer seek a moment that has to be put on by others surrounded by people who are within my own age bracket. Or those people pleasing moments when I doing good but the motive is to be in good standing with public eye. Africa taught me the beautiful pursuit of the transforming presence of my Abba Father. I have found him in the most beautiful simplistic moments with a rhythmic journey of joy. As always this blog is to share how God is working in and through me. Also, for those partners in prayer/monetary means experience the journey and what God is doing. So, here is a glimpse of love along the way. May it be a story that encourages your heart today.

One of the greatest gifts in this life is that of a friend.  I reconnected with a friend here in the States and it was a joy to spend time together.  She has a love for the African people and through our conversation she read me a letter.  This letter was from a client who purchased a similar product that my friend had suggested on her own at a cheaper cost.  This client was a past and the letter was a bit random.  (Of course we know nothing is by Coincidence!  I'll always remember that song from youth group you wrote Jon Arvin!) She explained that she felt convicted about the price difference so the several hundred dollars was enclosed within the envelope.  My friend had the most beautiful smile as she shared her delight of the spontaneous opportunity she held in her hands.  My beautiful friend said that she knew right away that the money was not hers.  She knew it was a gift to place in good hands for the Father's work.  Her wealthy client has a heart to do good but lacks opportunity to bless.  My friend joyfully said, "Wendy this money is for you! And, I get to be the vehicle in which to give it from this unexpected person."  The joy this moment brought made the words of scripture dance around in place.  No spotlight involved on any of the people within this story shown.  However, I have to say its those moments that you know your not overlooked!  I hear the spirit whisper to the depths of my soul.  "Your Abba Father loves you!  He alone is your provider and delights in who you are and the desires of your Heart!"  These moments also teach me a completely different understanding of the beauty of support and community it brings.  I am thankful that my eyes see these moments throughout the journey to keep me in continuous communion in the presence of God.  If "you the client" ever find yourself reading a blog about a young woman who has a heart for children who works in Tanzania know my heart of gratitude for your kindness.  May the Lord bless your heart today!  And to my kindred friend thank you for having a heart of a giver to bless others!    

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; 
what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”  Albert Camus

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