Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Does Ministry happen at Steak and Shake?

I had an appointment downtown for a lead on possible short term work last week.  I headed down the busy side walk and to my right sat a homeless gentleman.  My brother in law and sister live downtown in an area labeled by most as the unfortunate or rougher part of town.  But, I just love visiting them.  I love watching the relationships they have formed.  I enjoy conversations with the children on the streets when we walk the dogs.  I am proud of the light they have become in the area because of their willingness to love the eclectic people and simply be there.  Those thoughts come to my mind as I pass this gentleman on the street along with the words of the sermon I heard that Sunday morning about Encouraging One Another (Audio Sermon Link.)  I do struggle from time to time because I feel like a fish out of water here.  Questions like what am I supposed to do?  Am I productive for the Kingdom because my days here in the States are so different that when I am in Tanzania?  Of course then I remember there is that "DO" word again and I remind myself the many things I have learned in the last several years.  The "DO" is not what matters as much as the "BE!"  Back to my story of walking passed the man on the street.  Those were the thoughts in my mind.  I know the struggle of helping the homeless because of news reports on what is truly done with funds given or what has gotten them to this point.  I know, however, that what I am responsible for is my heart as the giver and one if convicted to act on the conviction to do so.  Not what he might do with the funds and my opinion how truly best to do so.  That is not mine to control or manipulate.  As you can tell these are a lot of thoughts for the relatively short walking stent.  I sat in a chair as I waited for the person I was to meet.  She was behind and I had an enjoyable conversation with the waitress.  As I waited I watched a gentleman come and sit down across the way who you could tell struggled to make ends meet.  He studied the menu and I watched him carefully pull out his billfold and uncrinkle the money he had to see what he could order.  Then there it was the conviction of the spirit.  I pulled the waitress aside and said that I wanted to pay for his meal but that I didn't want him to know who it was.  She said that she would go tell his waitress.  I watched her bring his food and pat him on the back sharing with him that it was taken care of.  She brought me the ticket and I watched him stand then walk out when he was finished eating.  I had my meeting then went to pay for my cup of coffee and the man's meal.  I went to give a tip to both waitresses and here is when the unexpected comes.  They said we are going on break can we chat with you?  I sat back down and waited.  They asked why I had done that for the man.  I shared that there is so much in this world that is hard, ugly, painful, sad that it is good to share a little love and kindness.  The next question they wanted to know was if I was a believer?  I said that yes I was.  Their reply and following question was but you didn't tell him about Jesus or leave a track?  Yes, I operate out of the love of Jesus because I am loved and saved by grace!  All I intended to do was share a little love with this man a little kindness that many probably over look.  I didn't solve world hunger.  He will be hungry again.  But with my current meager means it was something I could do.  It was my treasured unexpected conversation with these two waitresses that blew me away.  Their honesty as they shared but the sadness that I felt by their intrigue on kind acts just because they are so rare or that I expected something in return because I acted as a believer.  I am nothing special.  This is something we all can do any day in so many forms.  It does sadden me that I think many on this side of the ocean have gotten so busy with the "DO" that they have forgotten to "BE."  So busy with priorities and schedules that those men are not even seen along the road, in a public place, or in a section of town.  It is not my job to judge where he has been on control how he leaves.  It is my job to love, give, and just be a reminder that there is good.  As well as the waitresses that it is so rare to see someone just love.  For when those things open up within us and of others we yearn as creation to our Creator once more.  One thing that the enemy may try to distract but can never take away from us!!  This is nothing special and only another post I write where I am thankful to a God that loves and for the things He continues to teach me.  No matter where in the world that I am or the duties that I might have I am always to worship, serve, and love HIM.  I'll always be a fish out of water till the Heavenly Waters call me Home!
I hope that there is a little kindness given and received in your journey today wherever you are!   

Prayer Points~

  • For the man and the two waitresses may they be drawn to You!            

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