Friday, June 20, 2014

Tribute to Lee and Sara Nighbert

I have to admit that I have been working on this for a long period of time.  It is far overdue but just when I go to hit post.  I am not sure it will do justice.  But, once again here is my attempt to paint a picture with words a beautiful lesson the Lord has within the journey.

This post is a tribute to one of the most endearing couples from my home town of Plainfield, Indiana.  Lee and Sara Nighbert passed away within this last year.  Sara just before I returned home on furlough and then Lee a few short months following his wife.  This couple was married for over 70 years and were able to live together on their own except for the tail end of life.  I just marvel at the example of faithfulness found in simply the number of years let alone my treasured encounters with them both.  But, I am getting a little ahead of myself.  Let me first share how I became to know them as Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nighbert.  When I was in late elementary school or junior high my parents Sunday School Class (at that time young families) gathered for a luncheon with those of an older generation's Sunday School Class.  I have always treasured pockets of opportunities to be with multiple generations.  At the time our family of six gathered around a table with eight chairs that only left a spot for two.  Who should be paired with the Wagoner Family?  You guessed it Lee and Sara.  They being the parents of four children I think enjoyed being with us.  Since that luncheon I always sought the Nighbert's out in the hall of church for a hug.  She quietly looked for me in youth choirs, CIY presentations, etc.  Out of our growing relationship I began to receive cards for every calendar holiday which always included a crisp dollar bill or two.  This gesture reminded me of my late great grandmother.  The sentimental side of me thought it was the greatest!  Then, I venture to college and oversees a time or two.  I tell you those letters and cards always seemed to follow me wherever I went.  They were a quiet couple but I am not sure that I have ever met two more loyal supportive people.  Then, I returned to PCC to be on staff.  Like always I knew right where to find them in the pew at 7:45am on a Sunday Morning.  I enjoyed so much reconnecting for tea and those hallway hugs.  There were several hospital stays for both of them during that time where I got to sit and visit.  As you can see a simple relationship but one I have grown to truly treasure over many years!

One day while I was in Africa I ran across a friend request on facebook from Alta who is Lee and Sara's daughter.  I was thankful for the connect.  Alta was kind and encouraging as she had grown to learn about me through conversations with her mother.  Alta was able to send updates faster to Sara to relay stories, celebrations, and prayer points of life in Tanzania.  Alta even posted a picture of Sara who had a laptop resting on her lap to read my blog.  We never thought there would be a day when the well ninety year old woman would warm up to computers!  But, there it was proof in the picture all because of relationship.  I grow everyday in my understanding of the true elements to treasure in what God had in mind when He made us to be relational beings. Even today the encouragement continues through the hymn Day by Day (the song I had the opportunity to sing at Lee's funeral) reminds me of the strength, trust, love found in the Lord for each day till I meet the promised land!

My friend Annelle and I are doing a study/reading of Heaven.  I have grown in treasured glimpses of that which is to come and yearn for it in a far deeper way than I ever have before.  A day when perfect rest wash over you much like what Lee and Sara now experience.  A day when we will worship and be blown away with what our eyes can now see.  A day when all is made right and we will live in eternal communion with our Lord.  Until last year I was not a person who ever really got homesick.  I loved my family but my adventurous adaptable side loved new places!  I now know that the yearning I had last year prepped for a very treasured healing time now being on this side of home.  But, now that I have been on the mission field I realize that part of me will never be home.  Half of my heart will always rest on one side of the ocean and the other.  The lesson for me is that we often avoid these emotions to protect ourselves from to much feeling.  Friends our yearning for heaven is important to our living today.  Being homesick for heaven doesn't mean we hang our hat and tell who love this world that its not their home.  The challenge in our reading was that we not cease being human, not to stop caring for the world, not to stop shaping human culture.  What we need is the power to do these things according to the will of God. (Randy Alcorn)  Are you homesick for Heaven?  I look forward to the day when I get to hug Lee and Sara once again.  I am thankful for the joy, encouragement, and faithfulness that they displayed for me being connected to the family of God.  I am grateful for their life and the kindness of their children to honor their life by the gifts to me and the ministry to Tanzania.  I can't wait when one day I will get to introduce Lee and Sara to Naserian (along with countless Tanzanian Children) and we together will get to worship our Heavenly Father!

Prayer Points~

  • Celebrate the faithfulness of the Nighbert family and my treasured relation with them
  • Hope of Heaven!  Oh thank you!!  May we see glimpses today!
  • Grant us the power to care for the world and shape culture according to YOUR Will!
  • Continue to pray as I prepare to return 


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